Thursday, March 3, 2011

The apocalyptic future of Portland, Oregon comes to life in this burning hot teaser trailer!5773826/the-apocalyptic-future-of-portland-oregon-comes-to-life-in-this-burning-hot-teaser-trailer

The Craziest Urban Bike Race Looks Even Crazier On Helmet Cam

"Valparaiso, Chile. Crazy guy rides his bike down the city in a timed race through tightly twisted steep streets."

What it’s like to be a young writer working with Joss Whedon and Kevin Williamson!5767405/what-its-like-to-be-a-young-writer-working-with-joss-whedon-and-kevin-williamson

"Okay, I lied when I said I could name the difference in one word. I'm going to use two more words right here – THE ROOM. And to be honest, this is the thing that makes writing under tight deadlines possible. There's nothing like working with a room full of talented writers to break story, find solutions to script problems, and often times split writing duties to get a script written quickly. When you're writing a spec script on your own, you have to do all these things by yourself – which is possible, but often takes much longer, involves banging your head against the wall a lot more, and is generally much lonelier."

Bendy batteries a step closer

"Scientists from Korea have found that with the use of graphene nanosheets, the fabrication of bendable power sources is possible."

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Fourteen Ways NFC Will Let Your Phone Replace Your Wallet (And More)!5768471/fourteen-ways-nfc-will-let-your-phone-replace-your-wallet-and-more

"First, the basics. NFC stands for Near Field Communication. Which still doesn't tell us much. Basically, it's a way for devices to transmit and receive very small bits of information, wirelessly, at very close ranges. How close? Centimeters close."

The AT-AT Deconstructed

Check Out Helsinki’s Underground Shadow City

"Helsinki, Finland's capital, has decided to defeat sprawl by building down instead of out. Incised into the city's bedrock are a swimming pool, a shopping area, a church, a hockey rink, and a data center, not to mention "parking caverns" and a bunch of the city's necessary municipal doodads."

LotR Rewritten From a Mordor Perspective

"In Yeskov's retelling, available in translation as a free download, the wizard Gandalf is a war-monger intent on crushing the scientific and technological initiative of Mordor and its southern allies because science 'destroys the harmony of the world and dries up the souls of men' and Aragorn is depicted by Yeskov as a ruthless Machiavellian schemer who is ultimately the puppet of his wife, the elf Arwen."

Largest antimatter trap ever under construction

"The problem is that whenever antimatter comes into contact with regular matter, the two annihilate. So any container or bottle made of matter that attempts to capture antimatter inside would be instantly destroyed, along with the precious antimatter sample one tried to put inside the bottle."